alocação de recursos
Desafio, Sistema e Resultados

The Challenge
When the teams start to grow, follow each individual activities become a hard task. This is even more difficulty if you are the director or the project manager, and your team is co-located in different countries.
Some companies use tools as JIRA or SAP to follow the deliverables progress. Very often the visibilities are created manually, allocating a person of the team to update dashboards. This manual process consumes a huge effort. An effort that should be used to deliver code, drawings, sales, vehicles or anything else that generates money to the company.
So, how can managers have a real time visibility of the performance of the team in a efficient way?
Our Framework applied to Resources Allocation

The figure above shows the integration of the Intelligent Insights framework with JIRA.
Progresso das Entregas
The first dashboard is a list of the activities with a visual clue of the progress.

Scrum Dashboard
The second is a table organized by responsible and due date.
Alocação de Recursos
Our system calculates the effort to complete a task based on completion history of similar activities then it plots the activities by due date, allowing the project manager to balance the workload according available workforce.